Screen Time and Academic Performance: Striking a Balance

With the increasing presence of technology in classrooms and homes, managing screen time while maintaining academic performance has become a major challenge for parents.

Educational Screen Time
Not all screen time is harmful—many educational programs, apps, and online resources can support learning. Setting clear boundaries around screen time, such as using it primarily for educational purposes, can ensure that children benefit from technology without it becoming a distraction. Parental controls and educational filters can help monitor the content children are exposed to online.

Limiting Recreational Screen Time
Excessive recreational screen time, such as playing video games or watching TV, can negatively impact a child’s focus, sleep, and academic performance. Establishing rules around when and how long children can engage in recreational screen time—such as no screens before homework is finished or limiting screen use on school nights—helps maintain a healthy balance.

Encouraging Other Activities
To reduce reliance on screens, encourage your child to participate in other activities, such as reading, playing outside, or engaging in hobbies. Creating tech-free zones or times, such as during family meals or an hour before bed, fosters more interaction and creativity. By promoting a variety of activities, you can help your child develop a balanced relationship with technology.


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